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четверг, 23 мая 2013 г.

The first chapter of my book.

The first chapter of my book. Please read and vote whether or not to continue to write it or not? I would be very glad to your comments.  Sorry for the horrible translation.          


                                Chapter 1: The world.

     I lie in my bed, trying to sleep after a hard day at school. These boring lecture about debt, religion, science - I already got. Even worse is the story as the main object of study are the war. As our teacher insists on the history of Marianne Arnoldovna: "You have to know all of the wars that have led humanity throughout its history, the pain and devastation that give rise to all these wars.  You have to learn all the lessons from these events, so that they never happen again in the New World. We need to stop all sources of revolutions and hostility. Revolutions have always lead to destruction, they erode our society and the mind. Your main duty - to be obedient and decent citizens of our state, to work for the good of the state. And remember: the good of the state - above all else. ". This idea we have to learn from the first year, or more precisely with the birth - once and for all, otherwise you will have to speak very differently. Step right, step left - shooting, or rather a life sentence in Korba. [1] This prospect does not appeal to anybody especially.

      The threat to our society are pestilences that settled in the vast uninhabited areas of the territory of our country: forests, grasslands, mountains. Mora - exiles, their thinking is defective, they are inherent hostility and cruelty, their antisocial behavior is not acceptable in our society. Nor transparent, one-world government recognizes their existence, they are not allowed to stay in the cities, in the event of - death on the spot or the same Corbet, where scientists will study the behavior and structure of the brain, and of the whole organism. Mora did not go through surgery probitasii [2] on that are dangerous to society. Most of the population fled Morov are teenagers, because of their age and emotional instability, was not aware of the full extent, the gravity of the act. Uninhabited territory - the wild. They live wild animals, there is no public benefit mankind. By Wild territories are included among the ruins of the cities that were destroyed in the "last war" to restore them, the government has neither the means nor the desire.   The last war has destroyed much of the population, destroying everything in its path. In the past, the so-called "World War" was attended by some of the member states, which are usually fought over land, wealth and power. On the last war have been involved all the country, up to the smallest and poorest. And unlike previous wars, its reason was not the desire to have a larger territory, not lust for wealth, and - Religion! By the time of the last war, our planet has been largely overpopulated, began not controlled by a wave of mass migration. The world is just crazy! There was a lot of religious lunatics destroy calling upon people of other faiths and races. These madmen gained more and more power and followers. A breakdown in the national governments, armed and unleashed the crowds hands of madmen. The world was plunged into the most that on there - hell! And when this plague absorbed and developed countries with weapons of mass destruction, the Old World has come to an end. Most countries were wiped out in a matter of months. World of panic and hunger, the Earth's population has decreased by 2 \ 3. Only then will people come to their senses and terrified deed.      July 3, 2367, representatives of all the surviving countries gathered to discuss the preservation of peace and the restoration of order. At this meeting, and introduced mandatory for all probitasii surgery as a solution to the problem of establishing order. Were also taken before any action is nowhere involved: the creation of one common to all religions, based on scientific knowledge of the world and the main common to all, and do not hinder the religious laws of the "old religion" - Edukatiotizm [i]; creation of the World Committee for Family Planning (abbreviated CFP), the Committee of Sanity and Order (abbreviated as CSO), and finally the Committee for the Protection of Purity Society (abbreviated CPPS) establishment of a new order, the removal of all barriers between races, and many other measures ....      The threat to our society are pestilences that settled in the vast uninhabited areas of the territory of our country: forests, grasslands, mountains. Mora - exiles, their thinking is defective, they are inherent hostility and cruelty, their antisocial behavior is not acceptable in our society. Nor transparent, one-world government recognizes their existence, they are not allowed to stay in the cities, in the event of - death on the spot or the same Corbet, where scientists will study the behavior and structure of the brain, and of the whole organism. Mora did not go through surgery probitasii [2] on that are dangerous to society. Most of the population fled Morov are teenagers, because of their age and emotional instability, was not aware of the full extent, the gravity of the act. Uninhabited territory - the wild. They live wild animals, there is no public benefit mankind. By Wild territories are included among the ruins of the cities that were destroyed in the "last war" to restore them, the government has neither the means nor the desire.   The last war has destroyed much of the population, destroying everything in its path. In the past, the so-called "World War" was attended by some of the member states, which are usually fought over land, wealth and power. On the last war have been involved all the country, up to the smallest and poorest. And unlike previous wars, its reason was not the desire to have a larger territory, not lust for wealth, and - Religion! By the time of the last war, our planet has been largely overpopulated, began not controlled by a wave of mass migration. The world is just crazy! There was a lot of religious lunatics destroy calling upon people of other faiths and races. These madmen gained more and more power and followers. A breakdown in the national governments, armed and unleashed the crowds hands of madmen. The world was plunged into the most that on there - hell! And when this plague absorbed and developed countries with weapons of mass destruction, the Old World has come to an end. Most countries were wiped out in a matter of months. World of panic and hunger, the Earth's population has decreased by 2 \ 3. Only then will people come to their senses and terrified deed.      July 3, 2367, representatives of all the surviving countries gathered to discuss the preservation of peace and the restoration of order. At this meeting, and introduced mandatory for all probitasii surgery as a solution to the problem of establishing order. Were also taken before any action is nowhere involved: the creation of one common to all religions, based on scientific knowledge of the world and the main common to all, and do not hinder the religious laws of the "old religion" - Edukatiotizm [i]; creation of the World Committee for Family Planning (abbreviated CFP), the Committee of Sanity and Order (abbreviated as CSO), and finally the Committee for the Protection of Purity Society (abbreviated CPPS) establishment of a new order, the removal of all barriers between races, and many other measures ....

[1] Corbet - super maximum security prison, part lunatic hospital for particularly violent. Corbet in every city. All Corbet controlled world government. All prisoners - pozhizniki.

2. [2] The operation probitasii (from Lat. PROBITAS - decency) - an operation carried out by all the inhabitants of the planet to reach 18 years of age or under the personal consent of the person and his guardian. During the operation is performed on the effects of brain areas responsible for deviant povidenie, emotions and mental abilities.
3. 3. Edukatiotizm (from Lat. Education - Education) - the monotheistic religion of the New World, the foundation of which is the belief in one God, the Creator, who created the world out of a single atom, endowed man with reason and gave the man a set of inviolable rules ..

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